Blog Archive

Monday, June 13, 2016

Final Self-Portrait

Artist's Statement
     I was brought into Photography 1 by a curiosity and desire to learn more about photography and editing. I have learned how to take and edit tasteful, well-planned photos. I have learned to express emotion through my pictures. I found it difficult at times to express a full thought in a picture since the camera could only take in so much and editing can only partially define the idea that I had in mind. My favorite work this semester was the work on Direct Light and Light Writing because I was able to express the most emotion through those projects. If I were given the choice to repeat a project I would choose to repeat the Mosaic project to improve the way I go about the project.
     In this final self-portrait project I have used trees, plants, and a rusty chain to express different but similar ideas. The rusty chain was to represent being held down, mostly by choices I've made. The fact that the chain is rusty was to represent the passing of time in that state. The fists represent determination to break the chain that is holding me down. The next picture represents emptiness. This is emphasized by the presence of dead sticks and leaves and the distance between the only trees present and the small plants in the background. The blue-toned picture was to represent a pensive melancholy. The fact that the photo is taken from behind a tree emphasizes loneliness while the position that I took symbolizes a thinking attitude.
     To conclude, I would like to give a small piece of advice to any future Photography 1 student. My advice is this: Don't procrastinate. When you get a project, complete it as soon as you possibly can. Listen in class and ask for help if you need it.
     I would like to thank the following people for their help for this blog: Mr. Hohman, my photography teacher; my father for his help and photography tips; my mother for her help in planning pictures; and my brother Ka'ena for his help as my tipod and picture taking partner.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Golden (Magic) Hour Photography


These three pictures have each been edited differently, producing the effect above.


This set of pictures was taken a few feet down the block from those above and were also edited differently.

This set of pictures was taken over Summer Lake Park in Tigard, Oregon. Like those above these were all edited differently.

Friday, May 06, 2016

Portrait Oddness

This photo is an example of portrait oddness, in which the elements of two photos are mixed for the desired effect. The two photos included in this are a profile shot and a full head shot.